Meaning of RadhaSoami

RadhaSoami is a complete in its form 'Radha' means Soul and 'Soami' means Lord. Hence RadhaSoami can be translated into meaning merger of the Soul with the Lord. RSSB was founded way back in 1891 along the bank of river beas by its founder Baba Jaimal Singh Ji RadhaSoami Philosophy is based on the teachings of various saints and gurus of all the religions. There is no difference of cast , creed or religion in any means,The Santmat includes all religions. The followers need to follow the right path of Ruhaniat as told by the great living master. 

RadhaSoami Satsang Beas has main center in Dera Baba Jaimal Singh near river Beas in Amritsar district. The present Guru of RSSB is Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon who was appointed by Maharaj Charan Singh in 1991.
The RadhaSoami Satsang Beas is non-profitable charitable organization and an autonomous body which has no political links with any party or with other contemporary movements which use the name Radha Soami. The RSSB has its Centers all across the globe in90 Countries.

The RadhaSoami Satsang Beas has large number of followers from all parts of the world. The followers should follow the path of Santmat as told by the living master. The should restrained themselves from alcholic substances and non vegetarian food. They should live a simple life by doing the Surat shabad Yog